Following the various upheavals experienced since the 90s, and after a period of disarray, reflections are beginning to be structured around a concept of a new project for society, a new paradigm whose foundations would be « balance and consciousness ».
The book « Deciphering, Choosing and,… Act » is part of this movement.
First, he tries to build a bridge between science and humanist traditions by starting from the postulate that all human functioning is identical to that of the brain:
- Three types of behaviors like three types of brains;
- A response of the brain under the effect of stimuli triggering actions aimed at the satisfaction of needs;
- An evolution of the cortical system with two hemispheres, three brains including an upper brain in six layers and composed of cortical areas with specialized functions; seven fundamental values that serve as a guide or reference values and that define an evolutionary system inherent in the development of human consciousness
- A cortical structure in six layers to be compared to the unfolding of any situation (punctual or unfolding of life itself) in six stages;
- A network functioning thanks to the neurons which, according to the stages of information processing, receive or transmit information and a dynamic human functioning based on exchanges between the « I » and the « me », between me and others, a personal development made possible only because the Other exists;
- Twelve pairs of cranial nerves and twelve possible attitudes to respond to a situation, to bring together opposing values, to communicate, to exchange, to act.
Understanding the cortical model allows us to understand human modes of functioning, decode situations, live better with ourselves and with others and defuse conflicts.
The book offers a model that allows us to recognize at what stage the course of a situation is, what are the values at stake, what are the attitudes that it is possible to adopt, in order to evolve and evolve.
This evolution is achieved through an awareness of the behaviours, values and attitudes inherent to every human being. Awareness of oneself, of one’s culture, of systems, of one’s time. Consciousness that allows us to decode, to understand and therefore to act rightly. Consciousness that is inseparable from responsibility.
Thus, it is by applying the decoding grid proposed in the book that it is possible to define the foundations of a new society, the knowledge society.
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