May 2015

Aide au développement et pauvreté

Nombreux sont les acteurs qui s\’occupent d\’aide publique au développement des bailleurs de fonds multilatéraux (Banque mondiale, le Fonds Monétaire International, l\’Union européenne, les Nations Unies, et les banques régionales de développement. soit 30% de l\’aide publique) à l\’aide bi-latérale. A ces bailleurs étatiques se rajoutent les organisations non gouvernementales ou ONG humanitaires qui ne

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Is globalisation “new and inevitable”?

The word “Globalization” is largely used nowadays to explain all the problems especially economic problems that the societies face, either to praise the easiness with which we can communicate, or to criticize its negative effects. And it is true that this word conceals a number of changes; Alan Cochrane and Kathy Pain have identified four

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Does Caffeine affects reaction time? Psychology and neuroscience have focused early on motivation and its relation to addiction, trying to understand why a person decides to adopt one type of behaviour even if it may become compulsive and harmful. Caffeine is one of these substances that can trigger an addiction. It is a psychoactive substance which works by inhibiting

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Two different psychological approaches to identity Understanding identities is one of the main subjects of psychological studies. The purpose is to try explaining individuals’ behaviours and how people see themselves. One of the first theorists interested by the construction of identities was William James (1890). Since then, various theories were elaborated and three of them have been influential: the

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Théories de management émergentes

Encore un nouveau courant venu des États-Unis cette fois-ci dans le domaine du management des organisations. Un nouveau courant et qui pourtant repose sur des principes connus depuis des millénaires et sur une question : Comment réconcilier intuition et rationalité ? Comment prendre des décisions prospectives en privilégiant la méditation et non l’action ? Il

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